Calling All Attorneys & Lawyers – It’s Time to Commit to Online Video

Calling All Attorneys & Lawyers – It’s Time to Commit to Online Video!

In today’s unique media environment, with a mix of messages targeted directly at consumers from every angle, the significance of online video for small and medium-sized businesses (commonly referred to as SMBs) has never been greater.

One specific study sheds some light on this debate, i.e., the FindLaw research. In the study, researchers found that when a law firm added video

to its site (video marketing), it helped dramatically increase client conversions.

Delving further into the study, researchers noted that potential clients visited on average five sites (4.8 to be exact) before making an attorney selection. After video was added, this number decreased dramatically. Prospective clients only visited 1.8 sites. Researchers note this definitely proves the power of video as it relates to the buying funnel.

Why does video work so well to convert customers who may be in

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the buying funnel?

Better Landing Pages: Researchers noted that online video can better convert visitors who land on a page from a search. Some report conversions as high as 50%. Note: conversions were defined for purposes of this study as people who took direct action (e.g., who sent in a query via email, clicked a button for more information, provided their personal contact info, etc.).

Cleaner Presentation: Whereas many search pages can appear a tangled, crowded mess, online video presents as a cleaner, clearer format for prospects to take in information. Hence, there’s less need to shop around.

Something Old vs. Something New: Online video is new, and that will always attract interest. As more and more companies add it to their marketing arsenal, experts predict that the content – as in quality of – will separate the cream from the crop.

Experts also stress the importance of “effective technology.” This is technology used in such a way that it not only engages users, but informs them as well. Couple this with traditional search engine optimization practices and it will help SMBs improve their search discovery results.

Moving forward, many Internet marketing experts advise SMBs that using online video presents a

chance to get a jump on the competition. However, once the newness of the technology wears off, more traditional Internet marketing strategies will be utilized, presenting the right video at the right time to the right audience. More and more businesses are turning their attention to this exciting form of Internet marketing, realizing that the time has come to do more than just stand out.

Specifically for SMBs, online video can level a

lot of playing fields. But, it has to be constantly tweaked, updated and inspirational to grab attention. In other words, it requires all of the attention that other online marketing methods require to achieve the end goal – increased business.

For more information on how a video produced for online use can help your small business or firm, give us a call at (954) 845-7110. And to see some of the previous videos created by Swamp City Productions, be sure to check out our Portfolio page.